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Do you delegate work to the staff you supervise? If not, why not? When you delegate to others it frees you up to focus on the big picture and allows you to make the best use of your time and skills. When you delegate to others it helps them grow, develop and reach their full potential. Delegating can be a win-win situation when done effectively so why not take some time to learn how.

The online information was transcribed from the audio of a Public Service Agency course that is no longer available.  The material will give you an overview of how to correctly delegate a task.  You will learn:

  • how to choose what to delegate
  • match employee and delegated assignment
  • set the stage for success by developing your staff and freeing up your time for critical tasks

This course material can be reviewed in 2 hours but to build your competency level it will take time and practice.  Read the material at your own pace or in ‘bite-sized’ chunks. Follow the link below to download the package of four documents:

  • Delegating_Course.pdf The course materials.
  • Delegating_tip_sheet.pdf A guide for delegating steps in the sections Define the Task, Delegate the Task, and Assure the Results.
  • Delegating_checklist.pdf A checklist to use with the tip sheet
  • Delegating_Performance_Feedback_tool.pdf  A tool to self-assess how well you delegate.

Course Information

  • Offered By: JIBC
  • Location: Anywhere
  • Mode: Independent learning, downloaded materials
  • Duration: 2 hours
  • Evidence of Completion: None
  • Next Offering: ongoing
  • Future Offerings:
  • Call for Information:
  • Web Site:
  • Access Details: The link for this course is a downloaded compressed file that includes four PDF documents.

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