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Emotional intelligence describes the ability to recognize, understand, and manage our emotions and the emotions of others.

Leaders who have high emotional intelligence can identify, interpret and regulate their emotions. They understand the ways in which their emotions can impact others, and they are able to manage the emotions of others.

Emotional Intelligence is made up of five fundamental features:

  1. Self-awareness
  2. Self-regulation
  3. Empathy
  4. Motivation
  5. Social Skills

The most effective leaders have a solid understanding of the ways in which their emotions and actions affect the people around them. The better a leader relates to and works with others, the more successful he or she will be.

Daniel Goleman is an internationally known psychologist, and author of Emotional Intelligence, wrote

No matter what leaders set out to do – whether it’s creating a strategy or mobilizing teams to action – their success depends on how they do it. Even if they get everything else just right, if leaders fail in this primal task of driving emotions in the right direction, nothing they do will work as well as it could or should.

Recommended Courses

These courses are ones recommended by B.C. Corrections to fulfill the competencies for the topic of Emotional Intelligence.

Leadership Skills Inventory
The Leadership Skills Inventory is a self-assessment booklet designed to help you assess your leadership skills based on five areas (From: JIBC; Mode: Independent learning, downloaded materials; Next offered: ongoing).
Lead Yourself First
At the core of being an effective leader is the knowledge of who you are in order to lead authentically. In this course, learners will gain a deeper understanding of their personal leadership style and its impact on others (From: JIBC; Mode: In-person, scheduled course; Next offered: n/a)
Additional Resources

Look here for a random selection of additional audio, video, and readings to expand an understanding of Emotional Intelligence.

The Game Changing Attorney Episode 5: Chris Voss former Lead FBI International Hostage Negotiator
Former FBI negotiator Chris Voss talks about how FBI hostage techniques apply to leadership, and why emotional intelligence and tactical empathy are the most important tools for negotiation (podcast)
Self Awareness Course
The BusinessBalls sites offers a comprehensive self-pace course on self awareness as part of its resources on Emotional Intelligence (web site).
Most Leaders Don’t Even Know the Game They Are In
This is visionary leader and speaker Simon Sinek's keynote address at the October 2016 Live2Lead conference. In thirty-five minutes he makes a case for the importance of empathy and perspective as key attributes of successful leaders (video).
Why Being Respectful to your Coworkers is Good for Business
In this TEDx talk, leadership researcher Christine Porath brings a science-based approach to demonstrate the costs of rude behavior and that small acts of respect can improve any company's or organization's success (Video).
Chade-Meng Tan “Search Inside Yourself”
In this hour long Talk at Google, engineer Chade-Meng Tan presents a practical guide to emotional intelligence that includes some Zen, humor, science, and humanity (video).
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