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The Center for Creative Leadership shares this overview of the three areas for better team performance – Planning, Action, and Interpersonal needs.

Anybody who’s contributed to a team knows that team work comes with a unique set of challenges — getting commitment from all team members, reconciling different and sometimes competing agendas, uniting behind a shared purpose — the list goes on.

Depending on where they are in the team “life cycle,” teams need different resources to navigate business and interpersonal challenges — and to have a positive impact on their organizations.

When team members know about these needs, they have a way to identify and discuss what is working well and what isn’t. Teams can then be more focused and proactive in making changes that will lead to better team performance.

Resource Information

  • Type: online article, blog post, website, or book
  • Author/Publisher: Center for Creative Leadership
  • URL:
  • Access: Publicly available online
  • Cost: $0

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