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Trust is defined as a “firm reliance in the honesty, dependability, strength or character of someone.”

It is a relationship between two parties: one, the trustor, whose role in the relationship is to be willing to take risks; the other, the trustee, whose role in the relationship is to be trustworthy.

For a trusting relationship to be lasting, it must be reciprocal, and there must be a frequent exchange of roles. When one party seeks to be trusted, without giving trust in return, there is an inevitable breakdown in the relationship. As a result, it is crucial for leaders to learn not only how to become trustworthy, but also, how to give their trust to others.

Building trust is one of the keys to successful leadership as it is a foundation of the bond between leaders and their followers and has links to increased productivity, and engagement in the workplace. When leaders are trustworthy, they create an environment that is supportive of cooperation, information sharing, and openness.

Leaders can build trust with their direct reports by demonstrating their abilities, being honest, compassionate, and fair. Trust has a positive impact on employee retention; employees who have trust in their leadership generally put forth a greater effort at work, have higher intentions to remain with the organization, and are more likely to endorse their organization as a good place to work.

Recommended Courses

These courses are ones recommended by B.C. Corrections to fulfill the competencies for the topic of Building Trust.

Influential Leadership
This course explores the key characteristics of effective leaders who naturally influence and, as a result, build trust with others. (From: JIBC; Mode: Independent learning, online module; Next offered: ongoing)
Additional Resources

Look here for a random selection of additional audio, video, and readings to expand an understanding of Building Trust.

ABCDs of Leading with Trust
Trust is highly desired within organizations, how does one lead and build trust? Read this article for an overview of a framework for trust building= from the author of more than 60 books on leadership, Ken Blanchard (online article).
Most Leaders Don’t Even Know the Game They Are In
This is visionary leader and speaker Simon Sinek's keynote address at the October 2016 Live2Lead conference. In thirty-five minutes he makes a case for the importance of empathy and perspective as key attributes of successful leaders (video).
UNSTOPPABLE With Kerwin Rae Podcast

The UNSTOPPABLE with Kerwin Rae podcast is for anyone who wants to push through their…

Why Good Leaders Make You Feel Safe
Management theorist Simon Sinek suggests, a great leader is someone who makes their employees feel secure, who draws staffers into a circle of trust. But creating trust and safety — especially in an uneven economy — means taking on big responsibility (TED Talk)
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