Credibility is the quality of being believed or accepted as true, real, or honest.
Credible leaders are trusted both in the specifics of what they say and generally as people. They are consistent in their words and their behaviours, allowing them to be relatively predictable.
Credibility must be built; it relies on a leader’s integrity, intent, capability, and results. For a leader to have credibility, others must believe that the leader means what they say, that they have the right intentions, that they can achieve established goals, and that they have a proven track record of success.
Credible leaders are trusted, as such, building credibility requires an investment in relationships. To build credibility a leader must tell the truth and maintain confidentiality. A credible leader is skilled and knowledgeable. To build credibility, a leader must commit to being prepared, increasing their knowledge base and skill set. A credible leader can be depended upon to anticipate challenges and skillfully navigate them. To build credibility, a leader must be proactive in their position and manage their own emotions sufficiently to make strategic decisions in the face of challenges. A credible leader understands the needs and perspectives of others. To build credibility, a leader must consult with others, and understand the importance of listening, have strong communication skills, and self awareness.
These courses are ones recommended by B.C. Corrections to fulfill the competencies for the topic of Credibility.
Look here for a random selection of additional audio, video, and readings to expand an understanding of Credibility.