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Strategic awareness is the process of combining real world knowledge with a strategy for achieving future goals.

When leaders have awareness without strategy, they generate ideas without formulating a plan to make them become reality and can become immobilized. Awareness is important, but is not enough when used in isolation, great ideas are worthless if they cannot be brought to fruition.

When leaders have strategy without awareness, they often focus on ways to improve the organization or situation but fail to ask themselves “what else is possible,” and can easily become blind to changes and developments that the existing strategy has not considered. Strategy without awareness often leads to a belief that “the old way is the right way.”

Strategic awareness allows leaders to develop a strong organizational vision as well as a strategy for implementing it.

Recommended Courses

These courses are ones recommended by B.C. Corrections to fulfill the competencies for the topic of Strategic Awareness.

Managing in the BC Public Service
This Public Service Agency course focuses on the broad range of knowledge and skills that all excluded managers are expected to have to work effectively in government (From: Public Service Agency; Mode: In-person, scheduled course; Next offered: TBA).
Defensible Investigations
In this workshop, Marli Rusen will introduce leaders to her MIRROR Method - a practical and legally defensible framework to follow to ensure that they conduct - and are seen to conduct - fair and objective workplace reviews (From: Marli Rusen; Mode: In-person, scheduled course; Next offered: TBA).
Additional Resources

Look here for a random selection of additional audio, video, and readings to expand an understanding of Strategic Awareness.

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